individualism, collectivism, neoliberalism, SerbiaAbstract
The paper discusses the problems that come with the contradictions between individualism and collectivism. Discussions about these contradictions are still present in academic circles today. In Eastern European countries, individualism became relevant after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Up to then, the collectivist spirit prevailed. By accepting neoliberalism, post-socialist Eastern European countries began economic reform, including further educational reform, health reform, cultural reform, etc. This reform also meant the transition from collectivism to individualism because modern neoliberal capitalism belongs to individualism, in which the main focus is on the individual as the largest consumer. The transition to neoliberal capitalism led to a considerable number of workers losing their jobs after the liberalization, deregulation, and privatization of the Serbian economy, resulting in the lifeless demographic image of Serbia, which worsens significantly yearly. Today, Serbia remains without a working-age population, which, in addition to young and highly educated workers, also consists of artisans of various occupations. For the Serbian political elites, the path to the EU does not lead to the question. We've been on that road for twenty years, and it doesn't seem like we've moved much since the beginning. According to the principle, "one step forward, two steps back."
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