
  • Nebojša Denić Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Kosovska Mitrovica Author
  • Ivana Bulut Bogdanović Faculty of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia Author
  • Momir Milić Faculty of Information technology Alfa BJ University, Belgrade Author



artificial intelligence, digital transformations, competences, business


This paper will present the latest research from the current field of mass application of artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0, through the prism of the impact on digital transformation and digital competencies of key users in business. Based on the research of representative foreign and domestic scientific literature, the theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and defined digital competence necessary for the age of the information society will evolve. The paper will present concrete cases of the effects of artificial intelligence on application in business through the impact on certain areas of life and work with examples from neighboring countries. This research study defines the concept, highlights the evolution and development of artificial intelligence, digitization process, and digital transformation, through an overview of their key technologies that identifies the role of artificial intelligence as the backbone of digital transformation, explores the trends of the digitization process, highlights key challenges and explores its applications in business and industry 4.0 in European countries with the identification of the impact on everyday life, and the evolution of current trends and challenges.


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