Koncept holističkog marketinga


  • Branka Spasojević College of Economics Peć in Leposavić Author




Holistic marketing is based on development, project and the execution of marketing program, its procedures and its activities which are all in close correlation. Holistic marketing is attempt to incorporate all marketing activities and to demonstrate the importance of marketing in the future of business. The elements of such approach are: relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated marketing and socially-responsible marketing. The purpose of the relationship marketing is to establish long-term and correct relationship between the involved parties; internal marketing ensure that everyone in the organization accepts the relevant marketing principles; integrated marketing attempts to use proper instruments for creation, communication and delivery of goods to the customers, and socially-responsible marketing deals with ethical, legal and social interests of the companies involved in business.


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www. economist. co.yu




How to Cite

Koncept holističkog marketinga . (2007). Ekonomski Signali: Poslovni Magazin, 2(3-4), 113-120. https://doi.org/10.5937/