Strategijska vizija i ciljevi u funkciji rasta i razvoja preduzeća
To specify clear definition of strategy, a ground plan within the strategy has to be worked out, as base for making strategic decisions, along with the inevitable strategic vision. For achieving this vision, necessary elements are: strategies, plans and budgets. Essential part of strategic vision is strategic intension which is at the same time a line of direction and an instrument to achieve goals, that are, in fact, projected results, targeted to be accomplished by business activity. Striking a balance of the importance of various aims and their coordination with basic goal of the company shows how essential is that structure of company's aims exists both vertically and horizontally. The aims must be realistic and reachable in space and time with clear awareness of limitations in the environment. Secondary aims, such as: growths, development, income, participation in the market are in fact an instrument to make profit, which is a primary goal.
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