Sistem za rano upozoravanje na moguće opasnosti i šanse
early alert systems, weak signal, crisis symptoms, crisis causes, crisis managementAbstract
The primary objective of modern managers is to recognize threats and react early to such threats with a goal to reduce their negative effects on the company.
Successful companies have tools on their disposal, i.e. methods and instruments they can use to timely recognize crisis and prevent its negative effects which leads us to a conclusion that in such companies a crisis occurs less frequently, lasts shorter amount of time and consequences are not as severe. Company`s menagement should not ignore the initial, weak signals of crisis, let alone those symptoms that have become quite strong and could be easily recognized. Opportunity should not be missed to act timely in order to pursue necessary measures with long term effects (adequate strategy) while there is still an opportunity to do so, that is before it becomes too late. In addition, the learning process in such situations is indispensable activity as well, since it can serve as a lesson for optimizing a system for early crisis alerts in the future – which can be of a significant importance for the company`s future.
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