corruption, society, system, state, economy, property, market, reformsAbstract
The author discusses corruption as a primarily socioeconomic construction. This paper tests the hypothesis of corruption as a systemic problem. The system is (economic, political, legal, moral) the main source of corruption. There are in our, regarding to this, the system generators of corruption: state, property and market. They are the key institutions of society that are placed in a destructive political system, create corruption, which undermines the economic, political, legal and moral foundations of society. Corruption is the inevitable partner of administrative, bureaucratic, party, nonmarket societies, societies in which dominate monopoly on coercion and obligation (and the prohibition of coercion). Disorganized, monopolized markets and asymmetric information is also an important source of corruption. All this, in terms of the collective (public, government) property, which is "used as its own, and kept as others", on a system of vicious cycle, develop and rise corruption. Therefore, the system changes (reforms) are necessary at all levels of government, as well as building of institutions and introduction of ethical standards in order to eradicate the causes of this social scourge.
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